Monday, March 16, 2009

My First Post

This is my first blog post and I am so excited! I have been writing this blog in my head and my bedside journal for about a year now and it is about time! I have to say that I didn't think I would ever sit down and actually work at it until our church's New Year's Revival this year. Sheryl Brady form Durham, NC was the Wednesday night speaker and she preached Say it Loud and Say it Clear! In that message, Pastor Brady was encouraging the church to awake from it's apathetic, outdated, played-out state and do something for the Kingdom of God. I loved it!!! I have to acknowledge her sermon right from the start because the Lord used her to begin to stir up some stuff in me that had been lying dormant for a while. Then recently when my husband came downstairs at 1:00am to find me still on the computer, he asked "what are you doing?" when I told him I was reading So and So's blog he said, "Why don't you just write your own?!" It was like the V8 smack on the head. Anyways, that explains the name of my blog and the timing of it's inception, now about the content. I love to talk (big surprise, huh?) and I love an audience. I do. I am not ashamed to say that so don't be embarrassed on my behalf. I am sure it is how God made me because I am very much aware of my temperament (Sanguine/Choleric with a touch of Melancholy) and what makes me, me. The Lord is in the process of making all that even clearer to me and in some sense, redefining some of those things, but for the most part, I recognize myself and I am finally comfortable in my own skin. Ok, so having said that- I love an audience and I'm very comfortable sharing with individuals and groups of people. I am an ordained minister but my children and home are my primary responsibilities right now so I don't go out much to preach or teach at this time. The Lord allows me a few opportunities to take engagements each year (call me, I might be available!) but I know He prefers me to be home more often than not. I also know there is a book inside of me but it hasn't come out yet (LOL!) so in the mean time I will blog!
So, what will this blog be about? Lot's of things! Homemaking, Christian living, women's issues, marriage, my family and me!, parenting, homeschooling... the list goes on and on. I have a few more "posts" in my head waiting to be published and I will get to those sometime this week I am sure but after that, we'll see where it goes. If you read something you like, want to discuss more, need to add to, or offer constructive criticism about, please leave me a comment.
Until next time...


  1. I see it!!! Yay! I'm so excited to find yet another way to stay in touch with you and hear (read) about what God is doing in your life and get to watch your children grow up too! Woohoo!

    Surely there's SOMEONE in Danville looking for a speaker for next week.... I'll work on that! :)

  2. Did you get my last comment? Let me know if you didn't.

  3. Thanks, Brittany. I think I can fit in a speaking engagement soon!

  4. Blogging is the best! I miss & love your family oodles! :) Looking forward to getting together at some point and reading this in the meantime.. xoxo

  5. Okay, I'll definitely be a follower!!! I LOVE this! I believe with all my heart that 2008 was, in accordance with the Biblical meaning of numbers, a year of new beginnings. In that same vein, 2009 is the year to produce fruit. I definitely see it in my life (and spiritual walk) and, based on some of what you said in your introductory blog, I can see the same goes for you. I'm so proud of you!

  6. YEAH! Nicole I am SO happy to see you on a blog!

    I will be answering your e-mail as soon as I can....girl, you go. I am so thrilled at how the Lord continues to use you. {{{{{}}}}}
